If you made it through the tome that was the four big ideas, you’ll enjoy this list of smaller ideas from the Code4Lib conference.
- EasyArticle at Brown U – Among other things, this app allows people to request items through ILL/document delivery with the click of a button. Users never see the ILLiad form.
- Article problem reporting at UMich – similar to our e-journal problem report. Helps staff figure out problems faster.
- ScholarSphere at Penn State – homegrown digital repository. They drastically simplified the interface for uploading and adding metadata to submissions.
- Ryerson U BookFinder – stacks mapping
- 3D visualizations without Flash – amazing gallery of 3D images created with just HTML, CSS and Javascript
- Google Analytics event tracking in discovery systems – nice overview from NCSU. Putting this one in our pocket for later.
- Customer relationship management tools for liaisons – why not?
- Get started with Git version control in 5 minutes
- Affect and archives – Mark Matienzo’s lightning talk on emotion and supporting creative use of archival collections through interactive fiction
- Best practices for code handoffs, or: how to write better code
- Crowdsourcing transcription at UIowa – from proof-of-concept to full-blown crowdsourced tool (DIY History, awesome name)
- MyHuntLibrary at NCSU – just go look at it. Amazing.
- Learn your keyboard shortcuts (including shortcuts for gmail!) with an online tutorial